2012 Academy Awards Oscar Swag -Behind the scenes

My lovely friend and talented photographer Heather Lynn was able to stop in daily to document our process in painting the thirty Custom hand-painted KitchenAid Mixers for the Oscar nominees and presenters staying at the Four Seasons Hotel.

I was (and still am) very excited for this opportunity…Things don’t come easy and although it appears to from the outside, it’s not the case. That is why these opportunities I do get, I value. It’s a combination of my hard work, perseverance, and support…people that believe in what I do, because without that there is nothing. I have been very blessed and thank God each moment for all that I have had and continue to get.

Only appropriate by starting this off by thanking our wonderful sponsors and people that just make things happen, because nobody stands alone:

1. Lisa Gal
2. KitchenAid
3. Coast Airbrush
4. House of Kolor
5. Iwata Medea
6. Ephemera
7. Heather Lynn & Keith of Heather Lynn Photographie
8. Mariah M.
9. Zach V.
10. Mike L.
11. Abel S.
12. Lynn A.
13. Shane S.
14. Fai G.
15. Postnet Snohomish
16. Sherri Candland
I hope I haven’t left anyone out…if I did, my apologies. Let me know 🙂

This project was particularly difficult only because I can’t use any images or likeness that could or would potentially violate ip (intellectual property) rights. In addition to that another concern was timing and how fast I can produce these mixers. So with that said…I couldn’t get too elaborate and preferred to stay away from the typical cartoon look that everyone uses to express Hollywood. I wanted to achieve that old skool glamour and classic feel.

Here are the custom letterpress tags made by Ephemera

For the mens designs I wanted more of a Film Noir feel. For the Ladies, classic glamour and lets be honest, it’s always about what did they wear that night, right? So their theme came to be more of a premier night / red carpet.

I love these kinds of projects where I get to make up what ever I’d like. I think I changed it 3-4x. Even in progress LOL. That’s just how I roll. 😉

Here are some of the nominees and presenters who were able to take home one of these limited edition bad boys…

1. Morgan Freeman
2. Al Roker
3. Octavia Spencer (winner)
4. Ann Curry
5. Janet McTeer (nominee Albert Nobbs)
6. Glenn Close (nominee Albert Nobbs)
7. Tina Fey (presenter)
8. Meredith Vieira (press)
9. Viola Davis (nominee The Help)
10. Berenice Bejo (nominee The Artist)
11. Michel Hazanavicius (winner The Artist)
12. Ryan Seacrest
13. Martin Scorsese (nominee Hugo)
14. Thomas Horn (actor Extremely Loud Incredibly Close)
15. Thomas Langmann (producer The Artist)
16. Stephen Daldry (Director Producer Extremely Loud Incredibly Close)
17. Leslee Dart PR for Martin Scorsese, Meryl Streep)
18. Ben Kingsley (actor Hugo)
19. Jessica Lange (actress)
20. Jean Dujardin (winner The Artist)
21. Michelle Williams (nominee)
22. Steve Buscemi (actor)
23. English Actor staying under alias
24. Twin Cities Live Giveaway
25. Charity

I chose to send the last of them to a few personal contacts on my list and kept two for my own personal collection.

So now, there is a chance to buy one on Ebay along with the entire swag bag! 100% of the proceeds will go to charity and since I don’t have all the information, please contact the seller for further details! What I do know is that this is a great opportunity and for a great cause.

Now for the eye-candy!